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After a pleasant summer vacation, many Dutch individuals dream of emigrating. How wonderful would it be to always have sunny weather, avoid the daily traffic, and enjoy stunning landscapes? The benefits of emigrating are numerous, and foreign companies are eager to hire well-educated Dutch professionals.

However, emigrating also has a number of drawbacks. A significant portion of emigrants find moving abroad more difficult than anticipated. The partner may struggle to find employment or housing, and unforeseen challenges such as homesickness and loneliness are often cited. In this blog, we discuss the 5 drawbacks of emigrating.


1. Missing Family and Friends

The physical distance from family and friends is greater when residing abroad. This sense of loss is particularly felt during times of illness or special occasions like birthdays. Knowing that a loved one is sick and being unable to visit and comfort them can be deeply painful.

2. Adjusting to a Different Language

If you emigrate to a country where a completely different language is spoken, it can be difficult to feel at home, especially in the first few months. Becoming proficient in a new language can take months. For children, the language barrier can often be even more challenging.

3. Social Isolation

If you or your partner embark on a new adventure in another country and have always been relatively independent, this may change. When you don't know many people in your new environment, you are likely to become more dependent on your partner. This can be particularly isolating during challenging moments in your relationship.

4. Expending Extra Energy on Daily Matters

A new job, a new environment, a new doctor, and a new grocery store for your daily shopping—it takes extra energy to figure out and arrange all these things. Getting used to the new bureaucracy and regulations is something that may require time and adjustment.

5. Guilt or Regret

You may start questioning whether you made the right decision for yourself, your partner, and even your children. While it may be slightly easier for adults to adapt to a new environment and life, how does it affect your child(ren)? Such thoughts may lead to feelings of guilt.


Assistance with Emigrating

There are indeed some drawbacks to emigrating. However, with proper preparation, you can adjust more quickly to your new life. At HouseScout, we have extensive contacts and experiences with people who are emigrating. We can assist you with your preparation and connect you with the right individuals. Additionally, we can advise you on what to do with your home in the Netherlands. Should you keep it for rental purposes or sell it? Contact us today!