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February. The month of Valentine’s Day and thus of love, in all its forms. So, let’s talk about relationships.


As a realtor, much of my work is directly or indirectly shaped by relationships. People move in together or break up. People expand their families or find themselves with extra space. People go on trips to strengthen their relationship with themselves or follow a relationship abroad. All of these situations can form the basis for starting a relationship with me, the rental agent. But, of course, I’m most interested in creating the perfect match between tenant and landlord, or in finding the perfect house for a tenant. Did you know that these relationships aren’t that different from romantic ones?

Love at First

Sight This is what I look for in the eyes of potential tenants. When people come to view your rental property, there’s often a certain look in their eyes that shows they’ve instantly fallen in love with the space. And that’s important. When you love a space, you’ll take good care of it. And that’s great news for you as a landlord. Sometimes, however, that initial look of love can be blinding. Do you think you’ve found the perfect property to rent out? Let me offer you some sound advice, and together we’ll find the right match!

Happily Ever After

Not everyone is in a position to buy a house. But that doesn’t mean there’s no desire for a home of their own—a place where they can live for a long time. Renting doesn’t always mean temporary. Not necessarily. There are plenty of tenants searching for their dream home. And I’m looking not just for that dream home, but also for a landlord who truly enjoys building a genuine relationship with their tenants. These are the landlords who occasionally meet up for a cup of coffee and are always available to help with a task or answer a question.

Casual Dating

Not everyone is looking for a long-term commitment. Some tenants prefer short-term rentals, allowing them to frequently change homes. Sometimes it’s due to work, but also because change brings new opportunities. Likewise, landlords aren’t always keen on long-term contracts. But if both tenant and landlord are happier with temporary arrangements, who am I to judge?


It’s forbidden in the world of romance, and if you, as a landlord, rent the same property to multiple tenants at once, you’ll face problems. But if you have multiple apartments to rent out, I’m happy to help you find a suitable tenant for each one. However, just like maintaining multiple romantic relationships, this type of renting can be quite demanding. You have several addresses to manage, and with so many tenants, you’ll get plenty of questions and requests. Along with finding the right tenants, I can take much of the work off your hands in terms of management and administration. I can even handle everything for you, leaving you to simply enjoy the benefits. Sounds good, right?


Are you still single, as a tenant or landlord? And by that, of course, I mean are you still looking for a home, a tenant, or even a property to rent out? If so, let’s set up a meeting. As a housing matchmaker, I’d be happy to help you find the rental relationship that makes you truly happy.