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We’re pretty good at complaining in our small country. You probably know people who occasionally say they’d like to leave and seek happiness elsewhere. Yet, the Netherlands ranks 6th on the list of the happiest countries. The countries where people are even happier are all in (Northern) Europe, such as Finland, Denmark, Iceland, and Sweden.


What makes people happy?

Happiness is, of course, a very personal matter, and people will give many different answers to this question. For the ranking of the happiest countries, questions are asked about topics like income, health, freedom, social support, and housing. Given these factors, it’s not surprising that countries in Africa and those experiencing war are among the places where residents feel the least happy.

The top 3 countries where people feel the least happy is led by Rwanda. The other two countries on this unfortunate list are Belarus and Turkmenistan. In moments of dissatisfaction, it might be comforting to realize that you live in a country where life is relatively good, especially compared to areas where people lack many of the things we take for granted.

Good housing, a basic need

We don't often stop to think about how important it is to have a place of your own where you can feel at home. Housing is a basic need that ranks high, right after food and safety. It’s important for us to have a place where we can retreat when we need peace and where we can feel comfortable.

The definition of 'home' is hard to pin down, as it often means something different to everyone. But a home always starts with a house that meets the minimum requirements you set for it. Despite our frequent complaints about the lack of space in the small area called the Netherlands, there are still enough homes to make us one of the happiest populations in the world.

Happily living in The Hague

Are you still thinking about trying your luck in another country? It might be a good idea to keep your home while you're abroad by renting it out. Want to know more? Request a free consultation! We can tell you everything you need to know about renting out your home.