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In recent years, there have been many discussions about the pensions individuals have accrued when they choose to emigrate. The basic rule is that it’s not the Netherlands but the country where you reside that has the right to tax your pension. However, what’s the current situation? If your pension accrual in the Netherlands through your employer provided you with tax benefits, the Dutch tax authorities want to reclaim those benefits if you decide to emigrate.

Read more: Emigration and Pensions: How Does It Work?


After a pleasant summer vacation, many Dutch individuals dream of emigrating. How wonderful would it be to always have sunny weather, avoid the daily traffic, and enjoy stunning landscapes? The benefits of emigrating are numerous, and foreign companies are eager to hire well-educated Dutch professionals.

However, emigrating also has a number of drawbacks. A significant portion of emigrants find moving abroad more difficult than anticipated. The partner may struggle to find employment or housing, and unforeseen challenges such as homesickness and loneliness are often cited. In this blog, we discuss the 5 drawbacks of emigrating.

Read more: The 5 Drawbacks of Emigrating


I’m thinking about the possibility to long term rent out my apartment in Scheveningen (do you still remember?).

Of course, I remembered her. Years ago, I had helped her find an apartment as a tenant. And now, she had her own apartment that she wanted to rent out, immediately thinking of HouseScout for assistance. This blog is about a tenant turned landlord and more...

Read more: Dear Karin,


You see more and more digital gadgets appearing in every home. It started a few years ago with the smart thermostat that could be controlled remotely. Now, you can manage almost everything in and around your home via an app.

Have you just bought or rented a new home in The Hague, or are you planning to move soon? We've put together a list of smart gadgets that can enhance your living experience.

Read more: 6 Cool Gadgets for Your New Home


With an abundance of greenery, beaches and rich architecture, The Hague is one of the most beautiful cities in the Netherlands to live in. The tightness on the housing market is also there in The Hague, but there are still beautiful living spaces for rent and for sale. Engaging a (rental) broker can therefore be very useful if you are looking for a (temporary) place to live. With more than 15 years of experience as a real estate agent in, but also a resident of The Hague, HouseScout is the expert. These are my six tips to easily find your ideal home in The Hague.

Read more: Find your ideal home in The Hague: 6 tips


May I soon welcome you as a fellow resident of the great city behind the dunes? When moving to The Hague, you have chosen a beautiful, cozy and lively city. The Hague is a wonderful place to live, with all facilities just around the corner. Are you planning your move within the next few weeks?

Here are HouseScout's 12 practical moving tips for you.

Read more: 12 practical moving tips!


Rental prices in the free sector were at the highest level ever recorded in the fourth quarter of 2017. The increase in rent was also substantial in the year 2017. The increase compared to 2016 was 6.4 percent. A rental property in the free sector should now cost an average of €15.25 per square meter per month. Why is it that rental prices continue to rise, and what is the situation in The Hague?

Read more: Free sector rents continue to rise


While the Frenchman ahead of you in line at the supermarket struggles with English, you casually chat with the cashier in the same language. On the street, you help a few lost tourists. According to the Proficiency Index, the Dutch are the best non-native English speakers, which shows in the ease with which we use the language. However, that doesn’t mean things always go smoothly in the workplace.

Although the Dutch are known for their good command of English, things often go wrong in professional settings. Here’s an overview of the most common blunders and their solutions.

Read more: 'Hi, how is it?' English in the Workplace Often Goes Wrong


When renting out a property, it is also important to learn about your target market. For example, the fact that if the distance to work is less than a kilometer, many people walk to work. During a year, according to CBS, some 114 million “trips” are made on foot for this reason. This data was provided as part of the “walk to work day. Of the remaining employees who live less than a kilometer from work, 40% take the bicycle and 9% go by car.

Read more: Many employees walk to work


Who wouldn't want this? Instead of waking up early to avoid traffic jams, you can roll out of bed and right into your own workspace. It's not always possible, but if you are able to work from home, it can be wonderful. No rushing in the rain, no waiting in the cold at the bus stop, no frustration with yet another traffic jam. Instead, you make yourself a cup of coffee and settle in at your desk. That’s why it's so important to create a comfortable work environment for yourself. Spending an entire day at home and staying focused requires a space where you can work in peace.

Read more: 5 Tips to Create a Comfortable Workspace at Home